How to fly cheap in South East Asia
Lemme guess you are planning to take a flight to South East Asia very soon and you are doing research on the cheapest flight to South East Asia. It’s good news that there are a lot of cheapest flights anywhere in South East Asia. You can get to your destination without worrying about losing weight. When your pocket is not losing weight that means it’s still heavy. Of Course with that amount of cash, you can explore the places you always dreamed about. They can be beaches, waterfalls, jungles and some ancient temples too. If you are travelling with a family of 3 or 4 children then a huge amount of baggage and luggage can be expected from you. That can cost your entertainment and comfort. In this article, we will discuss how to fly cheap in South East Asia.
One of the most popular and incredible airlines which almost circles around the whole Asian Continent is AirAsia. LionAir is another example of the cheapest flights in South East Asia. They offer budget tickets and full comfort. They belong to a company named Malindo.
If I am travelling with the Indonesian nation, I am surely getting tickets for LionAir. Their luggage policy is not very strict. Seats in Airlines are at the next level of comfort. Energy drinks are offered to passengers throughout the flight. LionAir also travels outside of Indonesia. Travelling competition to Malaysia and Vietnam is at rivalry level. But all we can say is that LionAir and AirAsia are the cheapest flights anywhere.
Well if your baggage is not heavy the LionAir is the cheapest option. Most they can give you is only 2 Bags. Some travellers can never travel without a backpack which for LionAir becomes extra baggage, which is allowed but they will charge you extra for that. The baggage limit at LionAir is not more than 20kg.
This is Where it gets tricky
You can pre-buy baggage allowance in LionAir on their website. They don’t often accept international debit cards. I was like, damn it’s ok I will just pay for my baggage allowance in the airport but one day they charged me for like 30kg of baggage for more than 100$ and I was shocked.
There are still some airlines that double or triple the prices for baggage check and baggage allowance. LionAir will charge you for 10X. You then have to pay them in their office which is situated in Jakarta. Their Flight service may be cheap but baggage allowance and baggage check will kill your happy feelings as they charged the prices of mountains. We can say they are expensive in baggage policy but still better than a lot of other expensive Asian airlines. At this point your heart will break for the baggage policy of LionAir. is the website where you can buy your cheapest flights anywhere in South East Asia. The email will be sent to you and the baggage you purchased is confirmed. You will get baggage for a very low price if you are a new visitor to the site.